if you want to enjoy “las fallas” in Valencia you have to read carrefully the following instructions:
if you have chosen to enjoy “fallas” the first thing that you have to know is that to have to take it slow, during theese days valencia city is really busy.
For this reason we prepared to you the following list of foundamental events to take part of:
Valencia en Fallas:
From the 1st to the 19th of march the city of valencia transforms in chaos, mist, parties, lights and music around valencia’s streets in every moment of the day.
- La mascletà
- La plantà
- La offrenda a la virgen de los desamparados
- Fireworks and dances
- Riding of the fire
La cremà
Valencia litterally burns, if it was possible to see the city from the top it would have been appriciated to see the fire around the city. This scene is unique and indescribable, you have to live this at least once in your life. “la cremá” is the final event of fallas, that are burnt in order to welcome the beginning of spring.
The first fallas to be burnt are the smallest one at 10pm, after that the biggest one are burnt at midnight, apart from the winner falla that it is after burnt at the district of Valencia at 00:30am.